Supplies: A plain white baby onesie (mine is from H&M). Your favorite fabrics for suspenders and bow ties. Measuring tape. Scissors. Fabric glue. White Velcro tape. Sewing machine.
[1] Measure the length of the suspenders, starting on the back. Go diagonal over the back side and straight down on the front.
[2] Cut two pieces of fabric for the suspenders in the measured length (plus some extra length) and about 2 inch wide.
[3] Fold in half (the long side) wrong sides together and sew it close. Wrong sides together because it won't be necessary to turn it over.
[4] Iron the fabric tube down so that the seam is in the middle (see picture).
[5] Pin the suspender fabric to the onesie, leaving the seam at the back side.
[6] Sew the suspenders onto the onesie!
[7] Now fixate a small piece of Velcro tape onto the onesie, where you want the bow tie to be. My Velcro was adhesive, but I used some fabric glue, too. Just in case.
[8] Make some bow ties using the fabric bow tutorial I posted a few days ago! Then glue small Velcro tape pieces to the back sides.
Voila! Now you have the cutest onesie with interchangeable bow ties for every occasion. And with a little more Velcro tape you can use the bows for other onesies or shirts when the baby has grown this one out.
Voll die süße Idee - direkt mal gepinnt ;)
AntwortenLöschenDanke danke danke :)
LöschenSo unglaublich süß! Ich würde mir gern ein Kind ausleihen und darin spazieren führen. Nur, weil's so gut aussieht!
AntwortenLöschenIt's adorable!!! I need to find someone with a baby boy now so I have a reason to make one.
Life of an Agnostic Sunday School Teacher
Love this! I am featuring on my blog today!
looking forward to making this, I have 2 new baby boys one just born and the other one in October. was that
AntwortenLöschena cording you put in the supenders.
I didn't put anything in the suspenders. But you could put a cording in, I suppose for extra effect. I'm sure the two boys will look very cute in the gentleman onesie either way :)
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I really like this idea. You can make something really interesting and elegant for a child from ordinary clothes.
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