I held my first workshop last Thursday and it has been a fantastic and slightly frightening experience! Frightening, because God knows I hate to speak in front of people and worse - in front of people I don't know! Think of talks, presentations, oral exams. So when Lu from DaWanda asked me if I wanted to do a workshop and show people the cross stitching basics I thought "Ooooh no..." - And said yes. Because it's okay to be nervous and you don't want to miss out on an opportunity like that, am I right?

Good thing that the whole frightening part happened only in my head, because everyone in the DaWanda Snuggery was so nice that I even forgot to be nervous and we all had a great time stitching cute little designs onto even cuter embroidery hoops. Some serious creativeness was going on there! Some people designed their own patterns, some used the ones I had printed out, but all results looked great! In the end, everyone could take their own little masterpiece home. A perfect night for a first workshop, I guess. I'll call that a success :)
Vielen Dank für den wundervollen Workshop. Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß :)
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