Now the lovely team behind the Handmade Kultur sent me the latest issue of their Handmade Kultur Magazine and it turned out to be one of the rare treasures of DIY magazines! Printed on roughly 100 pages of high-quality paper you'll find everything a creative mind and lover of handmade things could ever be looking for. Book tips for DIY lovers? They got it. Dates for DIY events in Germany? There's a page for that. Looking for new crafty blogs? Check. Inspiring people? Check. Amazing community projects? Oh yes. And of course the Handmade Kultur Magazine is stuffed with smaller and bigger DIY tutorials! You just have to choose with which one to start - You could make a clock or sew a pannier or maybe even build a camera obscura. Basically, no matter if you're new to the world of DIY or a crafting champion, you'll find a project that suits you. Every DIY is nicely structured with a lot of pictures and an overview on the first page of supplies and an estimate of time and money you'll need.
They also had a tutorial for seed balls! I don't lie if I say I had way to much fun comparing their version to mine (See my tutorial for seed balls here).
What I liked in particular with the Handmade Kultur Magazine is that here and there, in a corner of the page, you'll find a short story about the creative mind behind the idea or project. It's just a small introduction and a picture, but it makes the whole thing much more personal.
I can only say that I enjoyed this magazine very much. It's very likely that I'll collect some more issues over the time, although I find the 6,90€ a bit more on the pricey side. But quality has it's price, I guess. The bad news for my dear English speaking readers: the Handmade Kultur Magazine is in German.... sorry for that. For all German speaking friends it's highly recommended to go and get one of those treasures!
Oh yes, the bad things: I missed flowers. And maybe that's totally random. But I like flowers. More flowers please, dear Handmade Kultur Magazine team!
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