
18. April 2014

Living Room Makeover

After one year in our new apartment in which we moved furniture around a lot, installed new shelves, hung pictures, removed pictures, hung new ones, and where basically trying to figure out how two sets of furniture would fit together in just one apartment – I had the feeling it was time to change things again.
The living room was always one of the more difficult rooms as it functions as my boyfriend’s workspace, my “creative zone” and living room all in one. When we first moved here we decided we’d work with a bolder wall color in the living room area to get a more or less clear separation from the work spaces. We opted for a dark red and painted  1½ walls. The only problem with bold colors is that you can easily get bored as they leave you with fewer options to switch your color scheme or decorations from time to time compared to muted colors or a timeless black/white/grey-ish option. And after one year of a bold dark red we got bored and started looking for new ideas. We kinda liked the effect of the painted wall in separating the living and working areas in that room and chose to stay on the bold color track: Bold blue. I wanted it to be a really dark shade of blue but the boyfriend vetoed and we ended up with a medium blue instead. Painted only ½ wall and put our green sofa in front of it. Boom! Color explosion!
There are still picture frames and stuff missing, I’m also planning to sew or buy a few pillow covers to match the new color scheme but up to now I’m hopeful that we’ll be happy with the new arrangements. At least for like another year.
Preparations. You can see bits of the old color down there. The white color we used was very well covering and we ended up with A LOT of leftover paint.
This ladder was almost too small to reach the top of the walls.
Over the boyfriends workspace where the blue paint ends. Normally there are boxes and folders piled up on those shelves.


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