
20. März 2014

Busy Bee

It seems about time that I show you some of my cross stitch projects for my DaWanda Shop. Recently, there have been more requests for custom cross stitch portraits than during Christmas season, or at least it feels that way. In other words: I’m extremely busy to keep up with the incoming orders! Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy my little business works out so well. It’s not enough to pay the rent, at least not yet, but I really love what I do and that’s worth something! Nice side effect: Cross stitching is immensely relaxing and while I’m at it I can let my mind wander or listen to the Harry Potter audio books for the 17425th time (Yep, still not over Harry Potter.) or watch every TV series there is (works only for series that don’t need too much looking). It’s work and fun at the same time! Jackpot!
The pictures show two of my most recent projects, my collection of embroidery threads (You can see I’m still not through with the skein-to-bobbin-transfer-situation), and me working on a cross stitch portrait.

I hope you have a happy busy week so we can have a happy busy week together!


  1. This is really beautiful work you make. And I love that you watch TV and listen to audiobooks while you work - that's exactly what I do too :D
    Also, being able to pay the rent with crafting is my ultimate goal ;)
