
23. März 2015

What I wore today | 10 + February Review

Another month covered. I really need to speed up my drawing, almost a month delay is too much. I hope you're not totally bored by my outfits from three weeks ago!
I realized, that my closet consists mainly of black, white, grey and dark blue. Not that I didn't know that I own a lot of stuff in these colors, but it's a lot more obvious when seeing it in the picture below. Not sure if I want to buy clothes in different colors now or just go with it.
February was also the month where I got my hair cut and I couldn't be more happy with my bob cut. It's so much easier to handle and surprisingly versatile. Also less heavy. I had no idea how heavy my hair was before I cut it off!
 photo Feb15_zpsfozgfulv.jpg

Ok! Let's jump right into March!

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