
17. März 2013

Life lately

So here's what's going on over here in our new apartment. We moved in about 2 weeks ago now and although there are only 4 rooms to be filled (including kitchen and bathroom) we still haven't unpacked all the boxes. I have some more painting and restyle projects on my mind as well which basically means that the living room floor will have to stay half way covered in old newspapers and card board for some time. But that doesn't mean we can't enjoy our amazing new green couch! We're taking one step at a time and I'm totally okay with that. It's our first home as a couple and it's going to be amazing in the end. You hear me: A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!

1. My favorite thing to eat for an early breakfast. I'm not really hungry in the mornings so I discovered that some yogurt, oat flakes, honey and sliced grapes is just the perfect meal to start the day with. And it's super yummy too!

2. Stripping the old adhesive foil off my red ikea shelves and replace vintage flowers with a green and white fleur-de-lis patterned foil. The ikea shelves got their new home at the boyfriends work space and he likes fleur-de-lis better than vintage flowers. Quite understandable. I liked the flowers though... but change is good and the new shelves look great!

3. Me, playing with my camera's settings and almost accidentally capturing the new lace curtains we brought from ikea. I love them! I love my hot pink socks as well.

4. Growing my own herbs from seeds. It's utterly exciting to see the first bits of green pop out of the dark soil, to see tiny leaves grow and stretch towards the sun. Every morning the first thing I do is jump out of bed to check on my baby-herbs on our bedroom's window sill. I do. Ask the boyfriend.

5. Painting the kitchen cabinet doors with brown blackboard paint. We bought our kitchen furniture on a budget and could only afford the cheapest plain white boring kitchen cabinets. Some wooden strips and the blackboard paint really did wonders to the look of our kitchen!

6. Hanging shelves in our kitchen. Yes, the kitchen is the one room that can be called "almost finished" without lying. I love the look of natural wood. We gave the wooden boards one coat of poly-urethane and hung them with simple white metal brackets. Storage space is an issue in this apartment and I'm thankful for every additional space to get our 'stuff' out of the way and nicely displayed.


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