
18. Januar 2013

2/52 Florentine Beef Steak On Bean Salad

The boyfriend and I had a lot of fun  preparing our second Italian meal, Florentine beef steak on bean salad. The beef had to be fried in a pan together with crushed garlic, rosemary leaves and lemon slices. It looked SO delicious. And tasted delicious, too! We don't use any canned stuff or dried herbs for our weekly Italian meals and I found that I love cooking with very fresh ingredients like fresh garlic, fresh beans, fresh rosemary. It's so different from cooking with non-fresh products and I like it! I'm enjoying our 52 week challenge so far. Next week we'll have king prawns... uuh... I'm not sure I like that. But we said we'll try everything and maybe I suddenly like prawns... yeah sure ...


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