
22. Dezember 2012

Reorganized DIY Page!

I used the extra time I have now (without university, homework and with all gifts already lying under the Christmas tree) to reorganize my DIY page a little bit. And well... yeah, I'm one of those people who actually have a stress free pre-Christmas time. You should try it, it's awesome! Haha uhm... however, where you once found all blog posts tagged "DIY" in full length, you now have a well-arranged and organized picture gallery! I decided to leave out  captions for all pictures, but if you move the mouse over a picture a short title of the project will appear.
I'm really happy with this update and I hope you are, too! All new DIYs will be added to this gallery.
Have a look and discover all projects ever posted to Curious and Catcat!


  1. I'm loving the new reorganization! I'm now a new follower via Bloglovin' and look forward to reading more DIY posts!

    Cheers, ~Aubrey

    1. Thank you so so much for all your lovely comments! They totally made my day! Thank you for following, too!
