
5. November 2012

First attempts on transferring photos to canvas

Good morning everybody! I have to show you what I was up to yesterday and this morning because I'm sooo excited about how amazing this one turned out. The story is, that I finally started to look for Christmas and birthday presents for my family. Unfortunately (for me and my financial status) my parents' and one of my brother's birthdays are also in December and early January so I have to find even more presents for all of them! However, I thought I could try to transform some family photos to canvas following the tutorial I found on A Beautiful Mess. This first one you see in the photo was just to try if it really works. And look how amazing it turned out!!! I never thought the result could be so perfect! I'm totally amazed and I swear I can't stop staring at it. I'm already working on the next one! Thank you so much Elsie and Emma from A Beautiful Mess!


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